Psychological Equanimity TL;DR

2020, Oct 08


In psychology research papers, equanimity is one of the two important effects of mindfulness meditation. Equanimity is defined as a calm and balanced state of mind or a neutral attitude towards all experiences or things regardless of their origin - be it pleasant or unpleasant. According to these research papers(and many ancient Buddhist texts), mindfulness meditation is the best way to research equanimity. You reach it by the mental actions of meditation...

  1. Attention on something specific
  2. Observing your mental experience(Thoughts, Emotions, Perceptions, Beliefs, etc.). This should be done without judgment.
  3. Letting go. This can be letting go of expectations, judgments, etc. Letting go of the distractions that might come. Letting go of the tendency to judge yourself when you get distracted.

To get its benefits, you'll have to meditate many, many times. You will get better each time. The improvement of the trained abilities, the deliberate use of meditative mental actions in daily life, and the other aspects that come with meditation practice will result in two effects of meditation: Equanimity and Insight.


Post my Equanimity in Philosophy article(, I've been researching about Equanimity in Psychology for the last couple of months. This is what I found out.

people who should have been researching on equanimity have been researching on mindfulness instead

Equanimity: calm and balanced state of mind or a neutral attitude towards all experiences or things regardless of their origin - be it pleasant or unpleasant.

equanimity is one of the two important effects of mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness: "Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally"

  1. Attention or concentration on something specific.
  2. Observing your mental experience(Thoughts, Emotions, Perceptions, Beliefs, etc.). This should be done without judgment.
  3. Letting go. This can be letting go of expectations, judgments, etc. When meditating you will get distracted - with other unrelated thoughts. You will have to use the same process to let go of these unrelated things and come back to original object. When these distractions happen, there is a tendency to judge yourself. Again, same process. Let go of that judgment.

To get its benefits, you'll have to meditate many, many times. You get better each time. This is how...

  1. To focus attention on something, selective attention is required. The neural networks required for this will be strengthened by practice.
  2. To observe your emotions, thoughts, etc., you have to look at it from an external view point - this is called meta-cognitive awareness or de-centering. This also gets better with practice.
  3. By adopting an attitude of acceptance and non-attachment to experiences on a regular basis, you gain the ability to alter the quality of any experience to be more neutral.

The improvement of the trained abilities, the deliberate use of meditative mental actions in daily life, and the other aspects that come with meditation practice trigger mechanisms that bring forth two effects of meditation:

  • Equanimity
  • Insight

I've talked a lot about Equanimity - what about the other effect? Insight is defined as the changes in beliefs that are accompanied by a feeling of deep understanding and by changes in perception, judgment and/or behavior. There are 2 types of insight...

  1. You know exactly what the insight was. This can be the realization of necessities and needs, or changing perspectives or recognizing that own opinions, beliefs and ideas were wrong.
  2. You can't articulate what the insight was exactly - it is experience based and intuitive. The insight was changes in the perception of the self and world.